Peak State Transfer Experience
A Peak State is one of the very high states of consciousness of our founders, Sri Amma Bhagavan, which can include enlightened consciousness and cosmic consciousness.
It is characterized by the absence of interference by the mind and states of deep peace, stillness, joy, bliss, deep calm, clarity and sometimes laughter.
Enlightened Shares & Peak State Transfer
Hear from those living in enlightened states. Following these beautiful shares, participate in A Peak State is one of the very high states of consciousness of our founders, Sri Amma Bhagavan, which can include enlightened consciousness and cosmic consciousness.
This is one of the weekly Monday evening events broadcast on YouTube. Subscribe to the Golden Age Movement USA-Canada YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/GAM-USA-CANADA
Golden Age Consciousness Meditation
Supreme Light of Supreme Love Meditation
The Golden Age Consciousness Meditation is a Divine transmission from Sri Amma Bhagavan to help us move into a consciousness of abundance for good relationships, peace, happiness, and joy. And the we receive five qualities of the Golden Age Consciousness: Forgiveness, Gratitude, Inner Integrity, Sacredness and Surrender.
The Meditation on the Supreme Light of Supreme Love has been gifted by Sri Amma Bhagavan as a Divine Transmission to open the hearts of participants. When you participate regularly in this meditation, your heart begins to flower and you experience more joy, happiness, inner silence and peace in your life.
Life After 74000 Deeksha
Live Enlightened Shares, Q&A, and Collective Prayers: Listen and connect to enlightened states focused on one of the teachings of Enlightenment given by Sri Bhagavan and enlightened shares of those who are participating in the 74,000 Deeksha Yajna, as the power is increasing across the globe.
The Life After 74000 Deeksha Yajna conversations are followed by a Golden Age Consciousness Meditation. Subscribe to the Golden Age Movement USA-Canada YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/GAM-USA-CANADA
Traits of Enlightenment
& Enlightened Shares
Each month there will be an enlightened share of a direct experience of one of the traits of enlightenment. After the sharing of the trait. Participants will be lead into prayer to experience the specific enlightenment trait.
Subscribe to the Golden Age Movement USA-Canada YouTube Channel: https://bit.ly/GAM-USA-CANADA
Peak State Sevaks
Sri Amma Bhagavan has initiated many people to transfer the Peak State. They are called Sevaks - another word for volunteers for sacred service. Know that your experience of the Peak State Transfer has nothing to do with the consciousness of these volunteers. You are only experiencing one of Sri Amma Bhagavan's high states of consciousness. There is no charge and this is not associated with any other activity (or business) other than the Golden Age Movement. This gift will help to prepare you to experience enlightenment. If you have any questions, send them to the Golden Age Movement information team by clicking here.